Maths Builder School Mastery

Designed for small group, class or whole school use, this revolutionary online teaching, homework and record-keeping program uses interactive games to encourage students to master each primary maths skill as it is introduced in class.

Each student is taught at his or her point of need 

Using School Mastery’s inbuilt progress tests, teachers can quickly identify and track weaknesses. Homework can be seamlessly assigned to individual students as remediation, extension or intervention. The result is that each student can now be taught at his or her point of need.
School Mastery is underpinned by a sophisticated record-keeping system that lets teachers manage and report on each student’s progress.

The homework process 

School Mastery Homework is set for individual students, special learning groups or the whole class. Interactive games and worksheets are the usual form of homework.
When students complete homework, the program rewards them with more related games, merit awards, and merit award activities. 
The Student Homework page is a personalised page where students read teacher messages, access interactive and worksheet homework, and their awards gallery. 

Merit awards 

Merit points are awarded on completion of homework and for additional games played. 4 points are awarded for each completed interactive homework game and 1 point for each additional game. Worksheet homework is marked by the teacher. Points can be exchanged for highly creative graphics activities.
Blue merit awards are displayed on the student’s page when he/she earns 50 merit points. Gold awards are given for every 200 points earned. 

Maths Builder 

The School Mastery program is a stand-alone program. However, when combined with Maths Builder, it becomes an even more powerful teaching and learning tool. Maths Builder’s worksheets and supporting resources can all be viewed on the classroom whiteboard or printed for students.

Realistic pricing structure 

An annual subscription to School Mastery is only $10 per student. This price has been set as low as possible so that all schools can have access to the best teaching and learning program available today. It includes unlimited 24-hour access.